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Part 2- Madhubani Mural during Covid


I had finished one wall of my studio on my birthday in November 2020. That wall was 8 feet wide and 9 feet tall. I didn't waste much time in between and started working on the front wall of my studio. Almost daily I was painting. This wall was 12 feet long and about 7 feet tall. This time I didn't have to climb the ladder too high. I decided to do more peacocks, a sitting one and a dancing one with its full glory. It took several attempts to finalize the design of the dancing peacock. The butterflies and flowers also were part of the design. Fishes were the last animals I added. Since it was winter, I was getting less time to paint. I also realized that this side gets more sun. The dancing peacock took the longest time. The border was the last to finish.

Reflections: Many wonder, as to what I am thinking while painting. To me, the whole painting process is calming and meditative. Sometimes a song comes to my mind. Sometimes a memory calls me. Sometimes the songs of the birds in my yard invite me in their world. Sometimes a happy thought made me appreciate the value of life. Sometimes a sad thought made me realize it is what it is. Just as I was coming close to finishing, I realized that I might finish it on 5th May. This day is very important to me. It is the day my father left this world. I wondered about the irony of the 2 sides. One side mural I finished on my birthday which signified beginning and the other I finished on the day my father left which signified end. My mind was far from being calm in the last few days of the painting. It was flooded with memories of my father. Eventually I embraced the memories and looked at them as treasures left behind for me to discover. I did finish the mural on 5th May which was not planned but just happened as there was no end date.

I dedicate this side of the mural to all the loved ones that were lost and the loved ones that were left behind with memories.


6 comentarios

Sailin Gudhka
Sailin Gudhka
30 abr 2022

Look's awesome.

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GoRB Gamer
GoRB Gamer
27 may 2021

This has come out brilliantly!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reflections, very touching

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Subha Rajagopalan
Subha Rajagopalan
26 may 2021

Love it Rohini!

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Arthi Prashanth
Arthi Prashanth
26 may 2021

Amazing Rohini Manni. Beautiful art and writing.

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25 may 2021

I have no words to describe.

साष्टांग दंडवत !!

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